This project is developed and maintained by Piccosoft®

Foodtraze Network Installation

Built upon Hyperledger Fabric, Foodtraze is an application that utilizes Blockchained technology to increase transparency in Food Industry.

To Access the unlimited features of Foodtrace application,its essential to equip your system with required tools and configuration.

Step 1: Prerequisites

Before we begin,it's essential to confirm that your system is adequately equipped with the required tools and configurations. This article aims to provide guidance on the essential prerequisites for a successful Foodtraze application installation.

Step 1: Install GIT

Download the latest version of git if it is not already installed from the official website :

Step 1: Install cURL

Download the latest version of the cURL tool if it is not already installed from the offical website :

Step 3 : Docker and Docker Compose

Download the latest Docker version

For MacOSX, *nix, or Windows 10: Docker Docker version 17.06.2-ce or greater is required. Older versions of Windows: Docker Toolbox - again, Docker version Docker 17.06.2-ce or greater is required.

Note:Installing Docker for Mac or Windows, or Docker Toolbox will also install Docker Compose. If you already had Docker installed, you should check that you have Docker Compose version 1.14.0 or greater installed. If not, we recommend that you install a more recent version of Docker.

Step 4 :Install Go

Begin by downloading the stable version of Golang, preferably 1.20.12 version, from the official Go website:

Step 5 : Nodejs Installation

To install Node.js, use the following command. This command will automatically update the package list and install Node.js on your system.

sudo apt-get install nodejs

To install Node.js packages, use the following command

npm install

The above steps concludes the prerequisites for setting up Foodtraze application. Once these steps are completed, you are ready to move on to the installation and configuration of the Foodtraze application.

For any additional help please refer the official link :

Step 2: Foodtraze Network Setup

Download the source file

Clone the Git repository that contains Foodtraze project files from the path "git clone" command

git clone -b predev

Step 3: Pull Binaries & Docker image

Get into the cloned directory path(foodtraze-network) and execute the command to download the binaries and images to your system.

curl -sSL | bash -s -- -- 1.5.6

Step 4:Start an Network

Inside the directory execute the command ./

This command succesfully sets up the Foodtraze network.

Foodtraze Api Installation

Step 1: Foodtraze Api Setup

To initiate the setup process, the first step involves cloning the Foodtraze api code from git Repository

The cloned repository should have all the project files associated with Foodtraze GraphQL project.

Step 2: Set Network Connection Profile

Clone the github folder and replace each organisaton connection profile of network json file from the given path below

example: foodtraze-network/food-traze-network/organizations/peerOrganizations/

Step 3: Start an Api

Now it's time to start the application. Open the terminal from the project folder and execute the following command.

npm start serve

Foodtraze Explorer Installation

Step 1: Foodtraze Explorer Setup

The first step involves cloning the Foodtraze Explorer Setup from the GIT repository.

git clone -b predev

Step 2: Change Your Network Profile Connection

configure the path to change to your network profile to the json file path as, "/app/platform/fabric/connection-profile/test-network.json"

Step 3: Initialize Your DB Connection

Configure your postgres credential in "/app/explorerconfig.json' file.

Step 4: Start an Explorer

run the below command for build

npm run build

Inside the main directory execute the command, ./
